

Albi France

Comma is a computer programme that uses drawing to help with sound composition and performance. It offers a different experience for everyone, regardless of their musical background. Amateur and professional musicians find themselves on an equal footing, each having just as much to learn to achieve the result of the concert.

The musical composition with this system is not a fixed score: the information that will be read by the performer is in fact generated at the moment of performance. This immediacy, this urgency, has a consequence: the attention paid to reading is no longer simply a matter of deciphering, but of interpreting. The performer is always immersed in the conditions of "the first time".

Comma takes a fresh look at several aspects of musical production:
 - Using a musical notation that reflects the idea of unfixed time with elastic properties - Integrating improvisation into a compositional framework - The symphony is now a mass of sound, the sum of isolated contributions that result from statistics. - Spatialisation: the possibility of managing musicians who are far away or out of sight, in fragmented arrangements