Jenny Gräf Sheppard
From May 4 until May 25, 2024, TRAFO will host American artist Jenny Gräf Sheppard. Currently based in Copenhagen, the sound artist and educator specializees in tactile porcelain speaker-instruments. Her recent works deal with the multi-sensory aspects of listening and how relations and ecologies can be sensed and enacted. At TRAFO, she will be offered space to work along with an opportunity to showcase her work publicly during her term as a resident. From May 23 until August 4, 2024, TRAFO will present Jenny Gräf’s solo show titled “Out of Senses. Come to Your Senses”. Curated by Zorka Wollny, the exhibition will be a 3-month ”living” installation, drawing on research on the cultural constructs of senses. The sonic is the entry point into an inquiry on what it means to listen and to sound. Jenny Gräf will present two performances during the exhibition run. One will be held on June 8, 2024 and the other one on the occasion of the show finissage. The program of the residency will feature open workshops for art students on May 13 and 14, 2024.