Coding – Introduction to SuperCollider w/ Giulia Rae
SuperCollider is a free and open-source coding environment, first released in 1996 and now maintained and developed by an active community of code enthusiasts. It provides a framework for various sound research fields, from live coding to sound synthesis, from neural networks to interactive media design.
The participants will be guided through the main architecture and the basics of the language, until developing a basic system for sound synthesis and live sequencing. You will leave this workshop with an instrument that you can continue designing on your own. No prior experience is required, this workshop is for complete beginners, with special encouragement to FLINTA* people to participate.
Limited to 10 participants Registration fee : 18€ (15€ students/jobless) Requirements participants: computer & headphones
More info: https://www.q-o2.be/en/event/coding-introduction-to-supercollider-with-giulia-rae/