
Alan Courtis & Os Heróis Indianos Romanos Africanos

Barreiro Portugal
R. da Bandeira, Barreiro

Eight years (!) after the first revolutionary arrival from the Argentinian musician, sound explorer and educator Alan Courtis at Barreiro – working creatively with more than a dozen members of Associação NÓS – formerly known as “We2” but now definitively as "Os Heróis Indianos Romanos Africanos" , it’s with the utmost pleasure that this project returns, living proof of the transforming power of music and its capacity to promote capability, autonomy and free expression.

Assisted by the musicians Bernardo Álvares and André Neves (aka George Silver) and Leonardo Bindilatti , Alan Courtis and the “Heróis” get back together for a week of creative creation that culminates in a new live performance, at Biblioteca Municipal do Barreiro, where little can be said about what to expect musically - more than genre or style, it’s the personality of each element and the collective identity that originates during the workshop that will certainly be heard; it’s safe to expect sonic poetry, psychedelia, free folk, adapted football anthems - but it’s best to leave tags and genres aside when the music will be, above all else, intensely free and unequivocally personal.

For this year, we can promise the work of these Heróis will not stop here - this project is now a part (and will continue to be until 2026) of the European consortium tekhnē, wherein it will be able to grow and assume new aspects.

This first apparition of the year will be held on February 24th, at Biblioteca Municipal do Barreiro, by 5PM. Admission is free, pending room capacity.

More information via the OUT.RA website.